Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Score reads 100*

Its been more than two years that I completed my second Comrades Ultramarathon. Yes, second and that is what got me that back to back medal in 2015. It is definitely something to brag about and I have used every opportunity to remind people of this accomplishment. It wasnt until when I was introducing myself as an ultramarathoner and was asked - "So whats the longest distance you have run ?" that the 89km of Comrades Run just didn't sound perfect enough. 

I am a numbers person - I record every run of mine to track my mileage for each training program, I look up the log to analyse the paces (and now the HR for those paces) post each run. 

And thats not enough - I also like those numbers in the log to be whole numbers - Yes I am the one who runs up and down the street to get that round 10.0 or a 23.0 on the Garmin. It isnt weird - is it?

Anyways, you get the drift - the 89 had to be taken upto a 100 - a wholesome number in itself !!

I was training for the Berlin Marathon in Sep 2016 and drew up a plan to amp up the mileage post the marathon and register for the Bangalore Ultra 100k in November 2016. I had a great run with a PB at 4:06. However, work, family commitments and the sheer exhaustion of training seriously, for the very first time for a marathon distance, meant the 100k plan was pushed to 2017. 

This year I was running the Chicago Marathon in October and so the same plan was pulled out to aim for the Bangalore Ultra 100k in November 2017. I knew I just had 4 weeks to move from a marathon race to be ready for the 100k. And heres what happened in those four weeks :
  • I somehow very beautifully messed up my Chicago marathon. Against a target of 4:10, I finished it in 4:25 loosing it big time in the mind at 32k. Some niggles that I was experiencing before the race came in to join the party and the pain from those in the last 10k left me very scared to even think of a 100k. 
  • I still put my plan into motion. I knew I wont be able to do any 50-60k long runs so the plan was simple - simple on the excel file that had the plan but it was challenging to execute - do a lot of back to back runs and get used to running on tired legs. I did a 10 day streak doing a total distance of 145km, took a 3 day rest and then over a Friday to Monday did back to back runs with a 70km over the weekend. A 42km in 4:30hrs at MCM 2017, after having done a 28km on Saturday gave me some confidence. 
  • But I was still not being able to mentally commit to the distance. Sharing my plan and my target with friends helped as they nudged me but that wasnt enough. I was scared of the pain that such a long distance run would bring, I was scared of a DNF, I was scared of the run to drag on and so the running in the night (which I am just not comfortable with). I needed some inspiration and some strength. And thats when I picked up a few books written by ultra marathoners. And one of those books did the trick - "Nowhere Near First" by Cory Reese, a middle of the pack ultramarathoner. It completely changed the way I was thinking about the run !!!! I recommend that book to all of you, irrespective of the distance you run.  
  • Bangalore Ultra is run on a 25km out and back loop except for the stretch run at night - which is a 1km up and down loop on loose gravel. It has aid stations every 2-2.5km and so logistically an easy one compared to some other ultras which have to be self supported for upto 5-10km. All I had to ensure was I eat and hydrate well and just run!!! And so in the last few days I prepared a checklist of things to carry with me and finalised my nutrition and run plan. 

And before I knew (but not before some added excitement because of work related issues which I will skip for this post) I was at the start line of the run. It was a good day and it remained a good day !!! I started slow, conservative with a plan to finish the first loop in 3hrs and run 5k and walk 0.5k for the second loop. For the second 50km - it was "We will see!!!"

When I started training for the run, I had no timing targets and the aim was just to finish, but by the time I reached the start line - with a much stronger approach to the race I wanted to finish the run in under 14 hours. I completed my 50km along with many of the strong 50km runners and knew the target is very much doable. At 75km, I revised the target to 13:30hrs and at 90km (because I was still running most of the distance) I revised it to under 13hrs and finally crossed the finish line in 12:55:08 hrs !!!

And so the score reads 100 and very nervously I add - Not Out !!!!! 

My takeaways :
  • Ultra distance runs and even a marathon is run with your mind and if your mind isnt prepared your body isn't, even if you keep clocking your training miles.
  • During the run - Smile !! I dont know if it actually releases endorphins or its just the placebo effect, it works. I know its difficult so "Fake it till you make it !!". 
  • You dont need to do very long distance runs while training. What is important is to train your body to run on tired legs and train your mind to get up the day after a long run day and push the body for another long run. 
  • Plan out the entire race from what you will wear to whats in the drop bags to walking breaks to nutrition (I skipped my nutrition at 85km and by 89km I hit a very low point and then at 90km with that food in my stomach I had revised my target timing !!)
  • And read and watch some videos to get that inspiration and get on that track to inspire others !!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Year that was..

The season has come to an end for all. The long dry days of summer will soon be upon us followed by the humid months of July and August. And with that most of us will move into a low mileage or a break mode. But for now Coach Ravinder has sent out a note seeking nominations for the Runner of the Year award and so its time to assess this running season. And here is my assessment of the good and the bad :
+ Each of the previous years, I have usually gone low mileage and slow between May and Aug, picking up with a training plan for the Autumn / Winter races. This season was different. I came back from a hiatus in April by joining Tanvir’s 100 day running challenge. At that time, I didn’t realize the big difference it will make to my marathon training (more about it below). But those 3k-10k runs all through the months of May-July helped. I had to stop at the 86th day due to a personal emergency but by that time I had built up a solid mileage to take me into my training plan for the Berlin marathon.
+ With the 100 day running challenge, I also joined the 100 day no-sugar challenge. It was a little difficult at the start, but 10 days into the challenge, I had given up all sources of processed sugar and was feasting on the summer fruits of mangoes and melons. This definitely helped in boosting my fitness level. And btw, I am still continuing with no sugar Tea and Coffee.
+ The low mileage was supplemented with many strength training exercises – Planks, Squats, Lunges, Dead Lifts etc. in the base building period and so for once, I had followed a slow yet an efficient way of improving my fitness and strength.
+ And with all of the above, I had a good 3 months of base building period, and was able to transition a much stronger me into the marathon training plan for the Berlin Marathon in September. This was my A race for the year and bettering my marathon PB by 22 mins for a finish time of 4:06 was a result I am very happy with.
+I was happy to have maintained my timings for the shorter distances all through the year. So here’s the report card.
NYRR Mini 10K Women’s Run         54.19
Artemis Day Breaker 21k                 2:09:37
Manger Trail Run 25km                   2:58:49
Pinkathon 21km                               1:57:41
Dwarka Half Marathon                     2:05:17
Hero Sunrise HM 21km                   1:58:32
Berlin Marathon 42km                     4:06:32
Airtel HM 21Km                                1:55:00
Muskaan Run 10km                         52:37
Super Sikh Run 10km                       52:53
And now to the misses
- The strong marathon training was to be used for an ultra or a faster HM in November – never attempted the Ultra and just maintained a decent time for the HM
- I was supposed to chronicle my training on the blog but the training, recovery and life in general did not leave anytime for the blog.
- Sugar binge – it started with small and not so frequent portions but the winter comfort food of chikkis and sandesh and other sweets had me crave for the sugar big time.
- December till date have been little or no running and with all events registered for being a No Show.
“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginnings make the conditions perfect” – Alan Cohen
So though life in general is still busy, its time for a fresh start, a reboot…..
And you will see more of me on the roads and more of my running rants here.